RESIST by Yuri Kozyrev | Resisting the Belo Monte Dam, Brazil, 2012

RESIST by Yuri Kozyrev | Resisting the Belo Monte Dam, Brazil, 2012


© Yuri Kozyrev / NOOR

'On Tuesday 9 October, 2012, around 80 “warriors” in full war paint and armed with bows and arrows, clubs and lances occupied a construction site for the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant on the Xingu River, a tributary of the Amazon in Brazil.

 In a cloak-and-dagger operation, the native Indians stormed the Pimental cofferdam, chased off around 900 construction workers and took control of a large number of trucks and Caterpillar construction vehicles.' - Yuri Kozyrev


  • Fine Art Baryta, paper size A3

  • Open Edition

  • NOOR Authentic Stamp on the verso

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RESIST by Andrea Bruce | The Boxer, Afghanistan, 2012

RESIST by Andrea Bruce | The Boxer, Afghanistan, 2012

RESIST by Alixandra Fazzina | Eighteen Spoons, Pakistan, 2014

RESIST by Alixandra Fazzina | Eighteen Spoons, Pakistan, 2014

RESIST by Stanley Greene | Red scarf of a Soviet Union Youth Pioneer, Chechnya, 2013

RESIST by Stanley Greene | Red scarf of a Soviet Union Youth Pioneer, Chechnya, 2013

RESIST by Jon Lowenstein | SOS South Side, USA, 2012

RESIST by Jon Lowenstein | SOS South Side, USA, 2012

Benedicte Kurzen : NOOR.jpg

RESIST by Benedicte Kurzen | Mandela
